Error trying to load SQL Cipher JNI libs using cordova on Android 4.4.2

The prebuilt binaries do seem to work better, thank you. However, should I want to compile it myself, do you have any idea why my build process might have produced partially invalid binaries? I had a weird issue with the android sdk, i had to install android target 7 (2.1) or else it would fail. I found that a bit strange. Is it really even suppose to work with that ancient platforms?

Another problem that I now have is that the standard cordova/phonegap SQLitePlugin expects SQLiteDtabase to have a static method like this, but it seems it doesn’t konw that method? I was digging though the sources and all I could find was some context related methods that took a String as an argument. Was this static version removed or what’s going on? SQLiteDatabase.deleteDatabase(dbfile);

Should I just replace the calls to the static method with ones that use the Context.deleteDatabase(fileString); e.g. something like this: