Upgrading to SQLCipher 4

A post was split to a new topic: Issue Migrating From android-database-sqlcipher:3.5.9 to sqlcipher-android:4.5.5

Hi @developernotes ,

Iā€™m trying to migrate db from net.zetetic:android-database-sqlcipher:3.5.9 to net.zetetic:sqlcipher-android:4.5.7 and the hook in the latter is providing SQLiteConnection instead of SQLiteDatabase in preKey() and postKey().

Could you help me on getting the database in postKey and handling the migration?

Hi @Gokulnath,

Here [1] is an example of migrating a SQLCipher database to the latest version using the sqlcipher-android library.

  1. sqlcipher-android/sqlcipher/src/androidTest/java/net/zetetic/database/sqlcipher_cts/MigrateDatabaseFrom1xFormatToCurrentFormatTest.java at master Ā· sqlcipher/sqlcipher-android Ā· GitHub ā†©ļøŽ