Cannot open encrypted database with SQLCipher 4

Hi @mmoore

  1. There is no other dependencies/pods including SQLite.

  2. The cipher_version: “unknown error” on iOS 10, I have not tested on other iOS version

  3. Here is the Podfile:
    platform :ios, ‘10.0’

     target 'Enea' do
         pod 'Charts'
         pod 'RetroProgress'
         pod 'Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK'
         pod 'SQLCipher', '~>4.0'
         pod 'YYText'
         pod 'BTNavigationDropdownMenu'
  4. I will upload it tomorrow later.

  5. DB Browser for SQLite version is 3.11.2 Based on SQLCipher 4.1.0

  6. I’ll try to do this later, but can it create an encrypted database without sqlite3_key working?
