Codebook for Android 4.4.8 Released - Google Drive Permission Change

Codebook for Android 4.4.8 is now available.

This update introduces an adjustment to the Google Drive permissions Codebook is allowed when linking it to sync your Codebook data. Codebook will only be allowed access to a specific AppData folder within your Google Drive which includes files that it creates and uploads (on any Codebook platform). There are additional details about this change on this blog post.

Important Details if You’re using Google Drive Sync:

  • You will be signed out of your Google Drive account when updating to this build and required to re-link and re-consent to the permission change.
  • You will need to update all your devices to the latest version to be able to continue syncing data between them using Google Drive.
  • The first sync on each device with Google Drive after this update may take a little bit longer as it will need to upload/process all data from your device.

Changes in this Version:

  • Update Codebook’s Sync feature to restrict access with Google Drive to an AppData folder instead of all files. If you sync with this service, you will be required to sign in to it again.

Codebook 5 Beta

The Codebook 5 Beta has been going great and we’ve been getting some valuable feedback from beta testers. If you’d like to try out the beta version with Codebook Cloud Automatic sync, you can sign here: Codebook Help - Codebook Beta Signup

As a token of our appreciation, beta testers who create an account, sync some data, and send us some feedback we will be providing a coupon at the end of the test for a discounted subscription to Codebook Cloud!