Could not open database file in DB Browser for SQLite


I have the latest nightly of DB Browser for SQLite from here SQLite-universal.dmg.
I’m trying to open an encrypted database file in DB Browser for SQLite. I open the file, enter the password and then the window closes, but there are 0 tables and an error in the logs:

(26) file is not a database in “SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master;”
(21) API called with NULL prepared statement
(21) misuse at line 91676 of [c9c2ab54ba]

That file opened successfully in my android app. I create it like this:

    implementation "net.zetetic:sqlcipher-android:4.6.1"
    implementation "androidx.sqlite:sqlite-ktx:2.4.0"
    implementation ""
    kapt ""
                val factory =

I try to check it in DB Browser for SQLite and can’t do it. What is can be error?

@KamTata - there isn’t enough information here to say what the problem is. You could try building the SQLCipher command line tool, and see if you can open up the database that way. We don’t author the DB Browser for SQLite, so it might be better to open up this ticket with that project: