Installing SQLCipher on Win 11

Greetings. I’m finding practically zero documentation on this so I’m asking here. I just downloaded the file, and I’d like to test it on a SQlite.db file to which I have the decryption key.

I can’t find any information on how to integrate the sqlcipher files into my system. Where do I extract the files? Do I need to add anything to the Windows environment variables to force the system to use SQLCipher?

I am on the 15-day trial so I have limited time to test this to see if I’d like to buy it.

Any and all help would be appreciated.

On a side note, I tried compiling SQLCipher myself on a Windows box for about 4 weeks using various instructions but the make file is all kinds of broken, so I’ve gone this route.

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Hello @Fineness6 - since you’re using SQLCipher Commercial Edition, we’re replying back to you via private support. You should see an email from us shortly.

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Due to the myriad ways a user’s Windows box might be set up, it is difficult for any software company to compile a perfect one-solution-fits-all guide for Windows users.

My solution was extremely simple - use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WAL) and install the Linux version of the application.

If you’re on Win 10 or above, follow these simple instructions to install WSL on Windows:

Then, install the Linux version of SQLCipher using the command
sudo apt-get install sqlcipher

Took me 10 minutes in total and SQLCipher worked flawlessly the first time.


I had trouble for installing sqlcipher on W11 too. Your comment remember me I had also WLS installed. So I installed sqlcipher on WSL and all work fine. Was so easier.

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