Migration from 4.5.4 regarding System.loadLibrary() (Android)

I recently migrated to 4.6.0 (from 4.5.4) so with new new library, and I noticed in the notes it says to use System.loadLibrary() instead of SQLiteDatabase.loadLibs(). However, I was using System.loadLibrary() already. So I’m curious how everything was working fine before. What was SQLiteDatabase.loadLibs() doing that I was missing out on?

Hi @marcardar,

The call to loadLibs(...) in the older SQLCipher for Android library was calling System.loadLibrary as well [1], but through a LibraryLoader interface [2] allowing you to override the behavior (necessary for some platform targets). We didn’t feel the abstraction was necessary in the new library.

  1. android-database-sqlcipher/android-database-sqlcipher/src/main/java/net/sqlcipher/database/SQLiteDatabase.java at master · sqlcipher/android-database-sqlcipher · GitHub ↩︎

  2. android-database-sqlcipher/android-database-sqlcipher/src/main/java/net/sqlcipher/database/SQLiteDatabase.java at master · sqlcipher/android-database-sqlcipher · GitHub ↩︎