i’m using trial version of SQLCipher for ADO.Net. My code:
var DB:SQLiteConnection := new SQLiteConnection (‘Data Source=’+DBName+’; Password=mypass’);
var cmd:SQLiteCommand := DB.CreateCommand ;
cmd.CommandText := ‘SELECT * FROM store;’;
var reader := cmd.ExecuteReader();
//in this line error message “file is encrypted or is not a database”
But SQLiteManager open this base successfully.
Hello @diagtruck
Would you try setting up your DB
instance like this:
var DB:SQLiteConnection := new SQLiteConnection ('Data Source='+DBName+';Password=mypass;SetDefaults=false;');
Unfortunately the database dump won’t be very helpful in diagnosing this. Are you creating the database using SQLiteManager? Can you try to create a new database using SQLCipher in ADO.NET, i.e. without SQLiteManager?
No. Database not creating using SQLiteManager. But SQliteManager open this base.