Unable to decrypt encrypted database in swift 3

Hi, my encryption code works very well, but i cannot decrypt it .please help me.

my encryption code is below
var db: OpaquePointer? = nil

    let databasePath = Util.getPath("demo.sqlite")

    if (sqlite3_open(databasePath, &db) == SQLITE_OK) {

        let aStr = String(format: "%@/Documents/encrypted1.sqlite",NSHomeDirectory())
        print("Database Path: ", aStr)
        let newQuery = "ATTACH DATABASE '\(aStr)' AS encrypted KEY 'ganesh';"
        print("NewQuery: ", newQuery)
        if sqlite3_exec(db, newQuery, nil, nil, nil) == SQLITE_OK {
            if sqlite3_exec(db, "SELECT sqlcipher_export('encrypted');", nil, nil, nil) == SQLITE_OK{
                if sqlite3_exec(db, "DETACH DATABASE encrypted;", nil, nil, nil) == SQLITE_OK{
                    print("Encryption succesful")

                    let errmsg = String(cString: sqlite3_errmsg(db))
                    NSLog("DETACH DATABASE encrypted: \(errmsg)")
                let errmsg = String(cString: sqlite3_errmsg(db))
                NSLog("Error sqlcipher_export: \(errmsg)")
            let errmsg = String(cString: sqlite3_errmsg(db))
            NSLog("Error opening database: \(errmsg)")

/////// here is my decryption code

var db: OpaquePointer? = nil
var stmt: OpaquePointer? = nil
var rc: Int32

    // decryption code
   let databasePath_NewFile = Util.getPath("demo.sqlite")
    let newDstPath11 = String(format: "%@/Documents/encrypted1.sqlite",NSHomeDirectory())
    let newFullDestPath = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: newDstPath11)
    let newDstPath = newFullDestPath.path
    // first open encrypted database
    if (sqlite3_open(newDstPath11, &db) == SQLITE_OK) {
        print("Database open successfully.")
        let result = sqlite3_exec(db, "PRAGMA key = 'ganesh';", nil, nil, nil);
        print("Result: ", result)
        rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, "PRAGMA cipher_version;", -1, &stmt, nil)
        if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
            let errmsg = String(cString: sqlite3_errmsg(db))
            NSLog("Error preparing SQL: \(errmsg)")
         sqlite> PRAGMA key = 'testkey';
         sqlite> ATTACH DATABASE 'plaintext.db' AS plaintext KEY '';  -- empty key will disable encryption
         sqlite> SELECT sqlcipher_export('plaintext');
         sqlite> DETACH DATABASE plaintext;
        let newQuery1 = "ATTACH DATABASE '\(newDstPath11)' AS plaintext KEY '';"
        print("NewQuery: ", newQuery1)
        if sqlite3_exec(db, newQuery1, nil, nil, nil) == SQLITE_OK {
            if sqlite3_exec(db, "SELECT sqlcipher_export('plaintext');", nil, nil, nil) == SQLITE_OK{
                if sqlite3_exec(db, "DETACH DATABASE plaintext;", nil, nil, nil) == SQLITE_OK{
                    print("Everything ok:")
                    let errmsg = String(cString: sqlite3_errmsg(db))
                    NSLog("DETACH DATABASE encrypted: \(errmsg)")
                let errmsg = String(cString: sqlite3_errmsg(db))
                NSLog("Error sqlcipher_export: \(errmsg)")
            let errmsg = String(cString: sqlite3_errmsg(db))
            NSLog("Error opening database: \(errmsg)")

///// it gives error like
Database open successfully.
Result: 0
NewQuery: ATTACH DATABASE ‘/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9D4EA875-1F99-4642-AFC3-DE5E69F4B47D/Documents/encrypted1.sqlite’ AS plaintext KEY ‘’;
2017-11-28 10:29:32.604385+0530 SQLCipherDemo_21nov[4365:2318614] Error opening database: file is encrypted or is not a database

please help me.


Your sqlcipher_export() encrypted database location

is the same as your sqlcipher_export() unencrypted database location

So when you attempt to Attach the database that’s already encrypted with a passphrase here using no key:

it’s not going to work as that database is already encrypted, which is why you’re receiving that error message

Changing your newDstPath11 to something else like

let newDstPath11 = String(format: "%@/Documents/plaintext1.sqlite",NSHomeDirectory())

will most likely resolve your immediate issue. But you may want to re-think your design.

What is it that you’re attempting to accomplish? Usually the sqlcipher_export() convenience function is used for migrating an un-ecrypted sqlite database to an encrypted sqlcipher database or vice-versa. Most of the time you’ll only need to be doing this once, after-which you can open the db and key it using the sqlite3_key() then perform standard selects/inserts/updates/deletes on the database.

i changed the path as mentioned but it is not working it gives error like database plaintext is already in use

Actually my task is create new encrypted database file decrypt that encrypted database file .
i am creating encrypted database file in document directory and using same encrypted database file from document directory to decrypt that file , but it is not working.please help me.

This is Import/Export database functionality.


You’re going to need two separate paths:

  1. The current encrypted database path that you’re going to need to sqlite3_open and key.
  2. The plain text database path that’s going to be used for sqlcipher_export() for migrating from your encrypted database to plain text.

Currently both of these are are using the same path:

So why don’t we rename this one to be a little clearer:

let encryptedDbPath = String(format: "%@/Documents/encrypted1.sqlite",NSHomeDirectory())

And create another path for the output plain text db

let plaintextDbPath = String(format: "%@/Documents/plaintext1.sqlite",NSHomeDirectory())

Now when opening you’re going to want to use the encrypted db path:

// first open encrypted database
    if (sqlite3_open(encryptedDbPath, &db) == SQLITE_OK) {

but then when attaching the plaintext db to be exported you’re going to want to use the plain text db path:

let newQuery1 = "ATTACH DATABASE '\(plaintextDbPath)' AS plaintext KEY '';"

Let me know if this resolves the issue for you.


It works perfectly.