Unable to simulate project in Xcode 11

Getting errors while simulating project .Please help me .Thankyou
Xcode 11.5
language objective c

Hello @premkumarsepuri - on the github issue you opened my colleague Nick requested on two or three occasions that you post the full build log. Please do so.

Separately from this, based on the error, it looks like there is a problem with your developer tool chain, not SQLCipher, since configure is not able to use the c compile to create executables. Are you sure you have installed Xcode command line tools, and that you have selected the correct Xcode? You can try the following to make sure xcode-select --install and sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app (or /Applications/Xcode-beta.app as needed).

Since this does not appear to be a SQLCipher defect, I will be closing the GitHub ticket and further discussion should occur on this forum.