Xcode gtest target with sqlcipher dependency


I have a gtest unit test target, which is a max OS X command line tool.
I have recently added sqlcipher to the c++ library which we are testing with gtest. However i cannot compile the test target any longer.

I am getting errors because of ‘Security/SecRandom.h’ file not found. I have added the Security.framework to the test target, however its still not working. I suspect that the issue is caused by using the Mac OS X framework when it may be expecting the iOS one, just a guess tho.

Any ideas would be a great help!

Ok, so i have “solved” the problem. Xcode was not finding the Mac OS X framework, I had to create a symbolic link to the SDK, and then add the link to the framework search paths. Bit strange, but not a sqlcipher problem anyway.

Hi @Stoff81

Glad to hear your issue has been resolved!