We are getting “Defective open ssl v 1.1.1g in Google play store”, could you please confirm “sqlcipher” which version of OpenSSL is “Sqlcipher” for Android is using?
Will upgrading the “Sqlcipher” to latest 4.5.2 resolve this issue?
We are getting “Defective open ssl v 1.1.1g in Google play store”, could you please confirm “sqlcipher” which version of OpenSSL is “Sqlcipher” for Android is using?
Will upgrading the “Sqlcipher” to latest 4.5.2 resolve this issue?
Thanks for the info. Could you please clarify that non-FIPS means “Community” version of Sqlcipher version right? So if I upgrade my “Community version of Sqlcipher” to 4.5.2, it should solve the “Bad Open SLL” issue in the Google Play Store?
Hi @developernotes any updates on this?
@kavitha yes, upgrading should resolve that issue. The Community Edition packages are non-FIPS.