Crash while upgrading

Facing cash when upgrading my app from non encrypted db to encrypted sqlcipher ?
compile 'net.zetetic:android-database-sqlcipher:3.5.4@aar'

12-18 19:58:41.075 23624-23624/? A/art: art/runtime/]   native: #08 pc 0009273b  /data/app/com.awwdb-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN9sqlcipher43register_android_database_SQLiteCompiledSqlEP7_JNIEnv+14)
12-18 19:58:41.075 23624-23624/? A/art: art/runtime/]   native: #09 pc 00092991  /data/app/com.awwdb-2/lib/arm/ (JNI_OnLoad+32)
12-18 19:58:41.076 23624-23624/? A/art: art/runtime/]   native: #10 pc 0009273b  /data/app/com.awwdb-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN9sqlcipher43register_android_database_SQLiteCompiledSqlEP7_JNIEnv+14)
12-18 19:58:41.077 23624-23624/? A/art: art/runtime/]   native: #11 pc 00092991  /data/app/com.awwdb-2/lib/arm/ (JNI_OnLoad+32)
12-18 19:58:41.084 23624-23624/? A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 23624 (m.awwdb)

Hello @srinivas3120

Is there any additional stack trace information available with the crash? What code is attempting to execute prior to the crash? Are you able to reproduce this within the SQLCipher for Android test suite?

when does this come up ?

/data/app/com.awwdb-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN9sqlcipher43register_android_database_SQLiteCompiledSqlEP7_JNIEnv+14)

what does this tell ?