Make: android: No such file or directory

I’m trying to build sqlcipher for Android but i get an error when executing “make init”:

git submodule update --init
android update project -p.
make: android: No such file or directory
make: *** [init] Error 1

I’ve made sure that bot the latest NDK and the Android SDK is on my $PATH:

echo $PATH

What might be causing this error? Thanks for your help!

Hi @dustedrob

What Android platforms are present on your machine? In particular, do you have 19 on your machine?

I’m also have this problem.

MacBook-Pro:~ limxing$ echo $PATH

MacBook-Pro:android-database-sqlcipher limxing$ make init
git submodule update --init
android update project -p .
make: android: No such file or directory
make: *** [init] Error 1

Hi @limxing

You will need to setup the Android SDK before using it, additional downloads are required. You may find this tutorial helpful.

I tried again just now.


MacBook-Pro:~ limxing$ echo $PATH


% cd ~/code
% git clone git://


% cd android-database-sqlcipher
% make init

It process until this problem

android update project -p .
make: android: No such file or directory
make: *** [init] Error 1

documents screenshot

So, I’m really need your help.

Hi @limxing

Do you have a specific need to build SQLCipher for Android from source? If not, you can use the AAR package that is being distributed for the community. The android tool appears to still not be on your PATH, you can verify whether android can be located by executing:

which android
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Thank you very much,it works.