Password Generator functionality

I’m not sure I trust “memorable” passwords, as they still contain dictionary words and therefore more easily patterned. I would, however, like the password generator reorganized a bit with some additions.

  • Update the Character Set selection to use toggles for each available set to build up full character set (instead of selecting a preconfigured one):
    -Special Characters
    -Uppercase ASCII
    -Lowercase ASCII

  • Add an additional exclusion toggle
    -Exclude Ambiguous Characters: { } [ ] ( ) / \ ’ " ` ~ , ; : . < >

  • Some websites only allow specific special characters. Add a text field with an associated drop-down menu to select between inclusion/exclusion:
    -Always include the following characters
    -Always exclude the following characters

You’d obviously want to filter the text field to show a unique list (remove duplicate entries) upon focus lost or password generation.

Anyway, thanks for the great product! BTW, I’m currently using Codebook on OS X and iOS.

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