Suggestions for the password generator feature


I have two suggestions for the password generator (PG) feature of the macOS version of Codebook:

Firstly, allow the PG to be used when Codebook is locked. This would be useful for me because I frequently use the PG to generate passwords for family and friends, and this doesn't necessitate unlocking Codebook.

Secondly, prevent the generated password from being regenerated when the user focuses the Suggestion field after focusing the Length field. (This actually seems like a bug.)

By the way, thank you for the improvements that you've recently made to this feature!

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Hi @richard, thanks very much for the feedback!

Firstly, allow the PG to be used when Codebook is locked. This would be useful for me because I frequently use the PG to generate passwords for family and friends, and this doesn’t necessitate unlocking Codebook.

That’s an interesting idea, we’ll give it some thought. If you don’t mind us asking, do you use Touch ID to login to Codebook?

Secondly, prevent the generated password from being regenerated when the user focuses the Suggestion field after focusing the Length field. (This actually seems like a bug.)

Hm, yes! That isn’t great at all. Thanks for letting us know, we’ll get to work fixing that up.

I don’t use Touch ID, but only because, for some unknown reason, it doesn’t work reliably for me on any device. I use Face ID to unlock Codebook on my iPhone and iPad, and it works perfectly.

If I could offer a suggestion too, for the Diceware password, 1) perhaps an option to use a “special” character instead of a space as the delimiter, and 2) either the same or a different option to include a random number somewhere. I love the longer Diceware passwords for things you might have to type manually, but often there is a requirement for more than just alphanumerics in a password.

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Hi @hiwaybk great to hear from you, always feel free to suggest improvements! These are interesting ideas for the Diceware type on the Password Generator, it would be nice to find a way to make them more acceptable on sites that require special chars, or have other common validation requirements.

An option to change the delimiter to hyphen (or a custom char) would certainly get us partly the way there. Hyphenated, the output would look like this using the EFF word list:


Note that the Reinhold word list includes a few number fragments, so that could be used to at least meet numeric requirements with Diceware passwords, if one hits Reload enough times. Some examples from the Generator, with hyphen instead of space for delimiter:


So perhaps the thing to do here is to add an option to change the delimiter (would also benefit people who don’t want to or can’t have space chars in their Diceware passwords) and another option to make them comply with “website rules” (which is currently an option in the Type menu and produces passwords similar to Random and could be confusing) in a similar way? We wouldn’t want to simply append a number to the end or something else predictable but we’ll give it some thought!

Maybe have the option to “include a random number in a random location”, then randomly append or prepend a random number to a randomly selected word. Or an option to replace one of the words with a random number?