I am upgrading my android project from library net.zetetic:android-database-sqlcipher:3.5.9@aar
to net.zetetic:sqlcipher-android:4.5.6@aar
. It runs fine after updating, but while running, if we killed the app from recent tabs, it starts giving this error from every next launch.
I made all the necessary changes as per the documentation, but this case is different and had no solution given. My code is as follows:
The constructor has been modified and inserted hooks to migrate sqlcipher.
private DbHelper(Context context) {
new SQLiteDatabaseHook() {
public void preKey(SQLiteConnection connection) {
public void postKey(SQLiteConnection connection) {
connection.executeRaw("PRAGMA cipher_compatibility=3;", null, null);
connection.executeRaw("PRAGMA kdf_iter=1000;", null, null);
connection.executeRaw("PRAGMA cipher_default_kdf_iter=1000;", null, null);
connection.executeRaw("PRAGMA cipher_migrate;", null, null);
As per the documentation, the hooks should only be executed for the first time of migration. SO I have two separated constructors to take care of this condition and the condition is working as expected. Following is another constructor:
private DbHelper(Context context, String secondLaunchCase) {
super(context, databaseName, password, null, databaseVersion, 1 , null, null, false);
I am encrypting the database password
and saving it in file. And using the same password to pass in the constructor above. I verified that password is going the same each time. ALso, for the fresh install, everything is working fine. I am not getting how it affects this if the app is killed? Please help with this.