SQLCipher Issues on Android N Developer Preview

We’re currently aware of the issue running SQLCipher on the Android N Developer Preview and we are tracking an open issue in GitHub for it. The problem can cause crashes with the following reports:

Detected problems with app native libraries (please consult log for detail):
libsqlcipher_android.so: unauthorized access to 'libutils.so'
libsqlcipher_android.so: unauthorized access to 'libcutils.so
libsqlcipher_android.so: unauthorized access to 'libnativehelper.so'
libsqlcipher_android.so: unauthorized access to 'libandroid_runtime.so'
libsqlcipher_android.so: unauthorized access to 'libbinder.so'

We’ll be working on a resolution as high priority, though it may require some substantial changes to SQLCipher so we do not have a timeline right now. We’ll be sure to post updates here as they are available.

Feared to the core when i see this issue occurring on my Android N device.

But relieved after going through several related links and finally found these links, cleared my blues away

If you are using previous usage.

Alternately, if your previous usage of SQLCipher for Android was packaged as a zip archive that included 3 .so files per platform (i.e., libdatabase_sqlcipher.so, libsqlcipher_android.so, and libstlport_shared.so), you should remove all of those. Our new packaging will only include one .so file (i.e., libsqlcipher.so) for each native platform. In addition to the different native libraries, you should also remove the ICU zip file (i.e., icudt46l.zip) previously included within the assets directory of your application.

and you should remove SqlCipher jar files also.

And followed this link

these links helped a lot.

I see my app size also reduced from 9.79 MB to 3.88 MB, that’s cool.

Thank you so much for your team effort to bring out of this issue. I also see its simple to integrate now.
I can’t say enough Thanks to you. So just saying Thanks a Ton :slight_smile:

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