SqlCipher-Tools Decrypt - Page Size and Iteration Count

I have some questions regarding decrypting SqlCipher db:

  • Do I need to use same page size on decryption with the same page size used in encryption? For instance is it possible to use 512 as page size for db encrypted with 1024 page size?
  • Do I need to use same iteration count on decryption with the same iteration count used in encryption? For instance is it possible to use 8000 as iteration count for db encrypted with 64000 iteration count?
  • Is there any correlation between page size and iteration count?
  • Is it possible to understand or guess the encryption cipher type (default seems AES-256 in CBC) from the encrypted sqlcipher db file?


Hi @mgundes

Thank you for your interest in SQLCipher and for posting to the discussion forum:

Do I need to use same page size on decryption with the same page size used in encryption?


For instance is it possible to use 512 as page size for db encrypted with 1024 page size?


Do I need to use same iteration count on decryption with the same iteration count used in encryption?


For instance is it possible to use 8000 as iteration count for db encrypted with 64000 iteration count


Is there any correlation between page size and iteration count?


Is it possible to understand or guess the encryption cipher type (default seems AES-256 in CBC) from the encrypted sqlcipher db file?
