I am trying to upgrade my Windows 8.1 Phone and Store app to a Windows 10 Universal app, but SQLCipher seems to crash when I run the app (can’t load sqlite3.dll)… after some searching online it seems that the underlying issue might be SQLite doesn’t support Windows 10 yet (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28738931/how-can-i-make-sqlite-work-on-windows-10).
When can we expect Windows 10 support for SQLCipher?
Thank you for inquiring about SQLCipher and Windows 10. Windows 10 support is definitely a high priority for us. While we do not yet have a release date planned for Windows 10 support, we generally seek to provide official SQLCipher support coinciding with a platform’s release to manufacturing. That said, because SQLCipher is an extension of SQLite, issues that exist with SQLite running on a new platform like Windows 10 can also impact SQLCipher as well. Therefore delivery dates for beta and final releases may be predicated on upstream changes to SQLite.
We’ll be sure to keep this thread updated with additional information as our research and development efforts proceed.
I’m paying customer (wp7.1, wp8, win8, wp8.1, win8.1) and now i need the SQLCipher release for Windows 10 Universal.
i’m waiting for for 6 months and no response.
Have you specific timeframe for this release?
Thank you for your support of SQLCipher! We are nearing completion of our commercial SQLCipher for Windows Universal Applications Platform package, however we are currently awaiting a release of a new version of SQLite.Net-PCL based on this issue. Hopefully it will be released very soon so we can make our package immediately available. Did you previously reach out to us regarding UAP support? I was unable to locate any correspondence regarding the topic.
I haven’t reach you before for UAP support, I was waiting from you to update this thread.
You wrote at Apr 10: “We’ll be sure to keep this thread updated with additional information as our research and development efforts proceed.”
By the way I don’t need the SQLite.Net-PCL. If you have the SQLCipher component it’s ok with me.
By the way I don’t need the SQLite.Net-PCL. If you have the SQLCipher component it’s ok with me.
If you need to create applications that run on Windows 10, but do not need the PCL support, you can use SQLCipher for Windows Runtime which works on Windows 10. Alternatively, SQLCipher for ADO.NET also works on Windows 10.
Why I can not set a password for sqlcipher on Windows 10 universal.
my code :
var key = "123";
var databaseFile = "fileSQLCipher.db";
var databasePath = Path.Combine(ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, databaseFile);
var connection = new SQLiteConnection(new SQLitePlatformWinRT(key), databasePath);
The password is provided via the constructor to the SQLitePlatformWinRT class in your example. If you need to change the password of an already encrypted SQLCipher database you will need to execute the following on an already keyed database: