[Android] Change OpenSSL used by SQL Cipher downloaded via Gradle dependency


we use Android SQL Cipher downloaded to our SDK by the Gradle dependency

  api "net.zetetic:sqlcipher-android:4.6.0@aar"

we got a request to change OpenSSL from default into custom one. I see that this is possible when building AAR package manually as instructions provided here GitHub - sqlcipher/sqlcipher-android: SQLCipher for Android provides an interface to SQLCipher databases on the Android platform.

Question - is it possible to include different OpenSSL used by the Android SQL Cipher library when downloading it by Gradle dependency or is it possible only when building AAR package manually?

Hello @PiotrKlis - It would only be possible to include a different OpenSSL when building the library from source.

We also offer custom builds under the SQLCipher Enterprise program. If you are looking for an official prepackaged AAR using a custom OpenSSL version, feel free to contact us if you’d like to discuss that option.

Thanks @sjlombardo for fast response. We’ll probably go with manual build of the library with our custom OpenSSL. You can close the topic :+1: