Compiling against a custom OpenSSL

I am using the latest 3.5.1 version of sql cipher.
What we wanted to do was instead of compiling sql cipher against the open ssl bundled, we wanted to compile against a custom OpenSSL (same version) but slightly different because of some compliance reasons.

I checked online and there are several discussions on this topic. But I could not find a step by step guide.
What I could get is replacing the source code in external/OpenSSL directory. And changing the appropriately. Also need to make sure that the generated libcrypto.a files in android-libs folder.
Are there other steps that are documented somewhere which we can follow?

Any help will be appreciated.

Hi @Pratyul

The script covers how to build the standard OpenSSL libraries for the Android environment. What version of OpenSSL are you trying to compile?

We want to compile the same OpenSSL version but along with a FIPS canister. Basically something along the lines of this wiki

Hi @Pratyul

We sell a build of SQLCipher for Android that includes the FIPS cryptographic module. Please feel free to contact us at if your organization is interested in licensing it. Thanks!