Thank you for your work to integrate SQLCipher to Android N OS.
Through your notification and the source code, the content provider scheme in Android seems to be not supported from SQLCipher 3.5.1.
Is this right ?
If so, I’d like to know that if you have any plan for supporting the content provider.
The notification says that libbinder is removed.
-> 1.All internal and third-party library dependencies except for OpenSSL (the crypto provider) have been removed. Thisincludes libbinder, libandroid_runtime, libnativehelper, libcutils, libutils, and libicuc.
Besides there are no codes for ashmem in CursorWindow.cpp.
I think that inter-process share of database is not possible in SQLCipher.
According to [2] you would have to implement functions such as query(), insert(), update(), delete(), etc. to create a custom content provider.
In [3] there is a sample content provider where the results of query() are simply returned as a subclass of android.database.Cursor. I think you know certain SQLCipher database functions such as multiple versions of net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase.rawQuery() would return the SELECT query results as a subclass of android.database.Cursor.
In case a content provider returns a Cursor object that does not use shared memory, I suspect the Android system would handle the data sharing. Or do you think I am mistaken here?
In case you think this is an issue you may want to raise it on GitHub.
@Kyle is correct in that we removed the ashmem component of the old library as mentioned in our prerelease and release annoucements for our Android N support; this was at the request of the Google Android team and is a requirement for running on Android N. We do not have plans to support that going forward.
Thanks @developernotes. I think the original question whether or not SQLCipher 3.5.1 can be used to support an Android Content Provider is still not answered 10)%. I think it should be possible to use SQLCIpher for a content provider but would have to test it to confirm. I have no idea when I would get a chance to test this.