SQLCipher 3.4.1 Release

Hi folks,

We are happy to announce SQLCipher 3.4.1 has been released. This release includes integration of the upstream SQLite release 3.15.2. Along with the many improvements included in SQLite, several of our client libraries included some nice additions with this release as well:

  1. Add: OpenSSL 1.1.0 support, includes backward compatibility for OpenSSL 1.0.2*
  2. Add: 64-bit support included with SQLCipher for Android and SQLCipher for Xamarin Android
  3. Add: SQLCipher for ADO.NET includes OpenSSL libraries compiled with the nasm assembler for improved performance
  4. Fix: Resolve 1 MB CursorWindow limitation in SQLCipher for Android

Commercial builds are available immediately, the latest SQLCipher for Android can be found here. Please take a look when you have the opportunity, we welcome your feedback. Thanks!

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In general I would like to thank you guys for the dedication you have shown to supporting this wonderful product and keeping it up to date. I am extremely happy to see the 64-bit build and 1MB CursorWindow limitation fix for Android. I did notice a few nits:

The default encrypted page size is now hardcoded (to 1024), in divergence from the upstream sqlite changes described in https://www.sqlite.org/pgszchng2016.html and https://www.sqlite.org/releaselog/3_12_0.html. I wonder if this should be documented somewhere?

I did not see SQLCipher for Android 3.5.5 AAR uploaded to https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/net.zetetic/android-database-sqlcipher. Did I look in the wrong place or otherwise miss anything?

I raised https://github.com/sqlcipher/android-database-sqlcipher/issues/298 with a request to fix some SQLCipher for Android build settings and would be happy to raise a pull request if you like.

Hi @brodybits,

Thank you for your kind words. The default page size remains the same as previous SQLCipher databases which is currently 1024, however if you do not key the database, it will use the SQLite default of 4096. We thought this would be the least problematic approach for folks with existing databases, generated from SQLCipher, or SQLite. The 3.5.5 AAR is available on Maven Central. We are currently reviewing your feedback regarding the CFLAGS and will respond shortly.

I’m excited about the new 3.4.1 release of SQLCipher.

May I ask where the download link is? It was not included in the email announcement.

@Miller Thanks for getting in touch about this. We’ve just sent over fulfillment information for your company. If you have any questions please let us know.