I haven’t noticed this being mentioned in any recent release notes for SQLCipher for Android , so just wondering if libsqlcipher.so is known to be 16K page size compliant? (at the moment using 4.5.3 which doesn’t appear to be, but I haven’t tried upgrading it to a later version)
Thank you for reaching out regarding SQLCipher for Android. We will investigate adjusting the builds to support 16k page sizes when Android 15 is released.
Do you have an estimate of when a new version of SQLChiper for Android that supports 16 kb page sizes will be available? Android 15 Beta 3 was released, that marks the Platform Stability milestone, which means that Android 15 has reached final internal and external APIs and final app-facing behaviors.
Hello @dkeri - we’re targeting this feature for the next release of SQLCipher. We have not scheduled that release yet, but keep an eye out for updates. Note that the existing builds of SQLCipher will work on Android 15. New 16kb builds would only be required for specific new devices and emulators using a 16kb page size in conjunction with Android 15.
Please note that this compatibility is now a requirement from Google:
" - With the support for a 16KB page size in Android V, both the kernel, platform, and apps running on Android V must also support a 16KB page size.
16K alignment requirement from V OS (Google policy).
Hello @Tof - This will be addressed in the next release of SQLCipher. We don’t have an release date schedule for that yet, but we expect it to be soon.
Hello @Tof - thanks for getting in touch about this. We’re aware of the upcoming requirements for 16 kb page sizes with Android 15. This will be addressed in the next release of SQLCipher. We don’t have an release date schedule for that yet, but we expect it to be soon. Prerelease versions are available to Commercial and Enterprise customers upon request to support@zetetic.net.
I just pushed the v4.6.1 tag to the sqlcipher-android repository. We publish a post on our blog [1], along with the SQLCipher Updates category [2] when a new public SQLCipher release is made available. Additionally, the core SQLCipher project has started to use the GitHub releases feature [3] so there are many ways for you to become aware of new public releases.