Codebook 2 for iOS 14.5 Update - Migrate Your Notes

Recently we became aware that version 2 of Codebook Secure Notebook has stopped working as of iOS 14.5 (it was discontinued July 4, 2016) and can no longer be launched, effectively locking out anybody still using the app all these years later.

We had been advising folks in this situation to attempt to pull the database off of their device using one of the iOS spelunking apps like iExplorer in order to “manually” import it into modern Codebook.

However, that process is a little long and complicated, and we have continued to receive a lot of requests for help, indicating more people have been affected by this than we anticipated. We devoted a large chunk of time last week to reviving the application so that it builds and runs on iOS 14.5, and presents a view for migrating your data to modern Codebook every time you login to make the transition easy and smooth. It is available in TestFlight, Apple’s service for beta testing apps, via public link.

Migrate Your Notes

Here’s what you need to do to migrate your encrypted notes out of Codebook 2 and into Codebook Password Manager:

  1. Install Codebook Password Manager on your iOS device and run it once - you can find it here in the App Store
  2. Visit this link on your iPhone to install the Codebook 2 beta for iOS 14.5 from TestFlight
  3. Launch Codebook 2 on your iPhone, login, and migrate your notes

This is what the migration process looks like:

Please note: even though this build of Codebook 2 runs on iOS 14.5, you should not continue to use it, it will very likely stop working again due to another operating system update. Please migrate your notes to the latest version of Codebook using the included migration feature.

This version of Codebook 2 removes the Sync and Search features, which were no longer functional.