Migrating from Codebook 1.6.x to Codebook 3

Update 7/21/2021:

A simpler, updated migration process is now available. Please see this post for migration instructions.

If you’re still using Codebook Secure Notebook and haven’t migrated to Codebook 4, but would like to – Here are the steps:

Easiest Method (Not possible if purchased in French App Store or if you can’t launch Codebook)

The first thing to try is updating to Codebook 2.0.x (Codebook Secure Notebook that has the ability to migrate to Codebook 3). Because Codebook 2.0.x was discontinued July 4th, 2016, it is no longer available for download through the App Store.

You may still be able to access the 2.0.x update through Updates → Purchased tab of the iTunes Store. If you’re able to update to Codebook 2.0.x please follow the steps here: Codebook Help - Migrating from Codebook 2 Secure Notebook to complete the migration process.

Manual Migration

If the easier migration method above doesn’t work or isn’t possible. You can still manually migrate your Codebook Secure Notebook database to Codebook 3.

Here are the steps:

  1. Download Codebook 4 if you don’t already have it installed (Connecting to the iTunes Store.)
  2. Download a tool called iExplorer (https://macroplant.com/iexplorer) onto your Desktop/Laptop.
    Note: if you’re experiencing difficulties with iExplorer, other users have had success with PhoneBrowse
  3. Plug your phone into your computer.
  4. Take a full iTunes backup of your phone – Apple has good instructions here: How to back up your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
  5. Launch iExplorer, On the first screen click “Continue with demo”
  6. Locate your codebook.db file (your encrypted Codebook v1.6.x notes database) in the iTunes backup you just took (Backup Date - Phone Name → Backup Explorer → Apps → net.zetetic.Codebook → Documents – codebook.db)
    Note: If you’re using Windows and you don’t see your iTunes backup you may need to change your iTunes backup path by following the instructions here: Can I choose which folder iExplorer uses for creating or reading Backups? – Macroplant some newer version of iTunes use this path instead: C:\Users\<username>\Apple\MobileSync\Backup

Right click on codebook.db and choose “Export to Folder” and select a location to export it to (Desktop for example)

If you’re on macOS Catalina or above:

  1. Plug your iPhone into your latop/desktop if it isn’t already plugged in.
  2. Open Finder and locate your device in the left hand panel.
  3. Within your device details, select the Files tab from the top, then drag the codebook.db file on top of the Codebook icon, then click “Done” or “Sync”.
  4. Now launch Codebook 4 on your iPhone and follow step 4 from the standard migration instructions to import your Codebook 2 notes into Codebook 4: Codebook Help - Migrating from Codebook 2 Secure Notebook

If the “Import Codebook 2 Notes” row doesn’t show up at the bottom of the Settings screen, repeat step 3 with Codebook 4 open, leave the Settings Screen and revisit the Settings screen again

If you’re using an older version of macOS or using Windows:

  1. Plug your iPhone into your laptop/desktop if it isn’t already plugged in.
  2. Open iTunes on your Mac and select your device. Select File Sharing then select Codebook from the list of apps, drag the codebook.db into the “Codebook Document” section then click “Done” or “Sync”.
  3. Now launch Codebook 4 on your iPhone and follow step 4 from the standard migration instructions to import your Codebook 2 notes into Codebook 4: Codebook Help - Migrating from Codebook 2 Secure Notebook

If the “Import Codebook 2 Notes” row doesn’t show up at the bottom of the Settings screen, repeat step 2 with Codebook 4 open, leave the Settings Screen and revisit the Settings screen again

A post was merged into an existing topic: Codebook Help Please