Extracting Your Encrypted Database From An iTunes Backup Using iExplorer

We encourage all Codebook users to sync regularly to ensure that you have a backup of your data in case your device is lost, stolen, broken, or you get a new device. If you’ve synced your Codebook data to a supported Cloud service (Google Drive or Dropbox) or have your Codebook data synced to another device, that’s the easiest way to restore if one of the above occurs.

If you find yourself in a situation where you haven’t used the Codebook sync function, and you no longer have access to your device or your Codebook data (and you no longer have an iOS device, or a full restore from an iTunes backup hasn’t worked), but both of the below apply:

  • You use an iOS device
  • You’ve taken an iTunes backup

It may still be possible to extract your Codebook data using a tool called iExplorer.

Here are the instructions:

Download and Install iExplorer

  1. Visit the iExplorer website: https://www.macroplant.com/iexplorer/
  2. Click the Download button
  3. This will download a iExplorer dmg (on Mac) or the iExplorerSetup exe (on Windows).
  4. Complete the iExplorer installation by following the instructions from the iExplorer page you’re redirected to (will differ depending on platform).

Launch iExplorer and Browse iTunes Backups

  1. Open iExplorer and click “Continue with Demo”
  2. On the next screen select “Browse iTunes Backups” (If you don’t see this button, then there are no iTunes backups located on your computer)
  3. On the next screen you should be presented with all of the iTunes backups on your computer. Select the backup which contains your Codebook database
  4. Once you’ve selected the backup, click “Backup Explorer”

Locating Your Encrypted Database Within Your Backup

  1. Locate your encrypted database within your backup

If you’re using the iPhone version of Codebook your encrypted database will be located under “App Group - group.STRIPSecretAgent/strip.db” (“AppDomainGroup-group.STRIPSecretAgent/strip.db” if you’re using iExplorer on Windows)

If you’re using the iPad version of Codebook, your encrypted database will be located under “App Group - group.net.zetetic.Codebook.iPad/strip.db” (“AppDomainGroup-group.net.zetetic.Codebook.iPad/strip.db” if you’re using iExplorer on Windows)

If you’re using an older version of Codebook (at which point it was named STRIP) you can find your encrypted database at these locations:
STRIP for iPhone: App → net.zetetic.Strip → Documents → strip.db
STRIP for iPad: App → net.zetetic.Strip.iPad → Documents → strip.db

  1. Drag the strip.db file onto your Desktop.

Download and Setup the Trial version of Codebook for Desktop

  1. Download the trial version of Codebook for Desktop here: https://www.zetetic.net/codebook/#download
  2. Follow the installation instructions from the fulfillment email to install Codebook.
  3. Launch Codebook and set it up with the same master password as you used on your iOS device
  4. Close and quit Codebook.

Locate the Database Container on your Desktop Computer and Replace the Encrypted Database File (strip.db)

  1. Locate your database container

On Windows: Open File Explorer and type this into the address bar: %APPDATA%\Zetetic LLC\Strip

On macOS: Open Finder and Go → Go to Folder and enter this address ~/Library/Group Containers/PD7G6HRMGV.net.zetetic.STRIP/Strip Within that folder is a default.strip package, right click (or Ctrl + Click) on it and select “Show Package Contents”

  1. Delete the strip.db file that’s currently in your database container, and move the strip.db file on your desktop (that we copied from your iTunes backup in an earlier step) into place.

  2. Launch Codebook and attempt to login using your Master Password. If everything was successful then you should now have access to all of your data on Codebook for Desktop.

As always, if you have any questions or run into any issues along the way, we’re happy to help! Please contact us at support@zetetic.net