We have a minor update out today for the macOS version of Codebook that makes the following changes:
Corrects issue of duplicates in plain text exporter output
Updates certificate public key pinning for the anonymous statistics service
Fixes non-toggling edit button when editing notes
Codebook’s anonymous statistics feature is always disabled by default and doesn’t ever “phone home” unless you turn it on. It gives us information on how Codebook is being used so we can make it better, we hope you will consider enabling it!
Download: Mac App Store
If your purchased Codebook (or STRIP) in the Mac App Store:
bring up secret agent and it gives the “codebook is locked” message
start typing my master pass in secret agent but change my mind and decide to log in directly to codebook, leaving a couple characters of my password typed into the SA login form
switch to codebook proper, and unlock with master password
switch to website I’m logging into, and bring up secret agent again via the short code, but, it still says codebook is locked
Besides this anomaly, is there a reason unlocking from within SA does not unlock codebook proper fully?
Thanks for this report and outlining the steps. I was able to reproduce the strange behavior. Specifically as you mentioned typing an incorrect passphrase in the Secret Agent Login view (and leaving it there), then entering the correct password into Codebook proper. I believe we’ve got a resolution for that issue.
I think this behavior could use to be adjusted as you mentioned. We’ll work on a fix for keeping the two in sync – I believe the main spot it needs adjusting is when you unlock SA, Codebook proper should unlock.
The other two behaviors should already be in sync:
Unlock Codebook proper → SA unlocks
Lock Codebook proper → SA Locks
Would you be willing to try out a beta when we’ve got one ready to confirm the new behavior is correct?
Here’s a brief description of the adjustments made:
Fixes improper behavior when partially entering your password into Secret Agent login prompt
Unlocks Codebook when logging into Secret Agent
Secret Agent edit entry button now opens the main Codebook window if it isn’t already open
I know the last beta there was an issue with the code signing when you downloaded it, so you could run this command once you unzip the beta version to verify the code signing is all in order before moving it to the applications folder:
I’ll try to clean it up. I’m using Path Finder, a Finder replacement. I wonder if it’s messing up the over-write operation, when I drag the .app into /Applications. Hmm…
Ok, tried again and it turns out that Path Finder is causing some trouble when copying. When I copy with regular Finder, it works.
But, it does not work, because I cannot get the sync set up. I selected to restore my data, and then it tried to force me to log into Google Drive when I was just trying to use the wifi sync.
I cancelled out of Google Drive, and now the app is stuck, somehow. I restart, and it reverts back to the initial state of showing the “what’s new” popup and telling me about Secret Agent. This is the same no matter how many times I restart and try again.
@rickcogley what version of Path Finder is on your system? It was updated recently to support macOS Sierra’s file system and again to fix bugs with drag and drop that I believe to have been related. Sandboxed apps are quarantined until run and there’s some special stuff the system does to maintain that while you move a binary around in Finder.
Right now I think permissions for Codebook’s defaults database (and perhaps other items in the container) are inconsistent with what they should be, perhaps due to a damaged binary or some other issue.
First, let’s try and see if a container repair helps with the persistence of your preference changes:
Quit Codebook if running
Open Terminal and paste the command:
asctl container repair /Applications/Codebook.app
Then try launching Codebook again, make some adjustments to Preferences and see if they are maintained.
If that doesn’t do it, I’d say we should back up your data file (default.strip), remove the container directory, have the app re-create it, and then move your data file back into place, but hopefully we can avoid that.
@wgray As for Path Finder, I did not use it for this particular install, but rather used regular generic Finder. I am using the latest PF though, v 7.4.1 (1704).
Should I remove /Users/rcogley/Library/Containers/net.zetetic.Strip.mac, is what you mean?
Switch to Finder, select Go -> Go To Folder (or shift+command+G) and paste: ~/Library/Containers/net.zetetic.Strip.mac/Data/Library/Application Support/
Drag the Strip folder somewhere convenient outside the container (e.g. Desktop)
Go back to ~/Library/Containers
Delete the folder net.zetetic.Strip.mac
Double-click on STRIP in Applications to launch
Set a dummy password (or your own), and go to STRIP menu -> Preferences
Last I restored from Google Drive, and the entries come back as expected, but, still the same problem of Codebook “forgetting” its settings.
I just don’t get what is going on. I decided to try a complete restore.
I cannot sync so I backed up manually, both the latest backup file and the default.db.
I used appcleaner to delete all traces.
Installed non-beta, stable 3.1.3 to /Applications using Finder (not Path Finder)
Entered initial same master password and confirmed nothing is in the db.
Shutdown Codebook and copied default.db into place using Finder (~//Library/Containers/net.zetetic.Strip.mac/Data/Library/Application%20Support/Strip/)
Started Codebook, unlocked and confirmed data (has latest)
I cannot sync or set up sync. How odd, because I could do so before in 3.1.3. Does the beta install some sync-related binary that does not show up when I delete Codebook.app via AppCleaner?
Ok, I noticed that there is no “repair permissions” in macOS Sierra, so I went ahead and did my usual cache cleanup via Cocktail. After that and a restart, voilà, it works again. This is using the stable 3.1.3.
It’s a lot of stuff it does. Best thing is to install Cocktail and check what the “pilot” section does. This is just a way to automate the clearing / cleanup. I uncheck cookies and web search history and saved application states, but let it clear everything else.