IOS app critical feature requests: amazon drive sync, password generator, efficiency settings for power users

I need to generate passwords when I’m at work (at a government computer I have no access to install software on so there is no possibility to have codebook desktop), so IOS app should have a feature to generate a random password and save it directly to a note so that I can add additional details to it and save quickly.

For example an admin with thousands of passwords standing in a server room trying to log into something, obviously isn’t going to install desktop software everywhere he works, wants to just use his iphone.

I know I am not the only one who primarily only uses the IOS app all day long and the desktop software just to backup.

Also, a usability tip: start off on search every time you open the IOS app after 5 mins has elapsed. The use case is:
After I look up a password and exit, next time I go into the app I want to look up another password, I don’t want to be on whatever screen I was on an hour ago and then have to click 3 clicks to get out of there and back to where I can begin typing a new search.

An option to always default to ‘create note’ on IOS instead of asking every single time if I want a note or entry would save me time also.

I really hope someone makes these tweaks to the IOS app, they are things I am sure many users will want.

Just out of curiosity, how much would it cost to develop the added feature of syncing to a cryptomator vault stored on amazon cloud drive and saving an extra backup file in that location to prevent corruption? I wish we could donate money towards specific features.

Dear @Gaffe, thanks for the detailed feedback, we really appreciate it! There are definitely improvements we can make so that the app is easier to use. Making the random password generator and its options accessible from the Note view is something we’re looking into now.

Do you prefer to use the Note entries because it’s easier to record the details you need to type in, etc, than with using the Entry records? We’ve been discussing ways to make the latter easier to use and more convenient.

After I look up a password and exit, next time I go into the app I want to look up another password, I don’t want to be on whatever screen I was on an hour ago and then have to click 3 clicks to get out of there and back to where I can begin typing a new search.

From the note or entry views you should be able to go directly to the Search view with one tap, if the Search item is present in the tab bar at the bottom of the screen. Another thing that may help is to set the Search tab to be the first tab at the bottom of your screen so that Codebook selects it first when loading up the interface. Tap on More > Edit to rearrange your tabs.

Also, a usability tip: start off on search every time you open the IOS app after 5 mins has elapsed.

We’ll consider this but I’m not sure it’s the best solution. I suspect we should find a better way to make Search more immediately accessible to you. Do any of the above suggestions help at all, e.g the tab bar?

An option to always default to ‘create note’ on IOS instead of asking every single time if I want a note or entry would save me time also.

We’ve had this request before, but it’s usually from folks who would prefer to create Entry records over Notes, we’ll give it some thought.

Just out of curiosity, how much would it cost to develop the added feature of syncing to a cryptomator vault stored on amazon cloud drive and saving an extra backup file in that location to prevent corruption? I wish we could donate money towards specific features.

As to Amazon Drive, it’s not publicly available yet so it’s hard to say. Currently we have quite a bit of work underway for Sync and don’t plan to add any additional providers while that is ongoing. That said, we appreciate your willingness to support our work!

Yes. I am a software developer who recently switched from 1Password to Codebook because it is a few less clicks per entry/lookup and I like the approach you took to security better than their use of apple keychain.

Despite all the iOS apps out there that manage passwords, there are not many that are this good, sorry if I seem picky about every click but this app is good so if it just had these few things added it would be perfect!

I am a power user with thousands of passwords, and I generate a unique password for each site I use, so I prefer to have absolutely minimal clicks since I use this app constantly. I just had to use it to log into this forum just to post this reply.

The reason some people like entries better is that they use the desktop app so the entries allow them to use this tool to login to websites. But I use the IOS app exclusively because in most places I work I can’t install any desktop software so there is no advantage. The disadvantage to using entries is that it is many more clicks. Sometimes I am entering a password for a server, sometimes for a bank account or simply a note and selecting types or creating custom fields takes more time. Of course I understand why you need people to use entries, but could you could put an option in settings to default to whatever folks want, entries or notes or whatever, so you can accommodate all use cases?

About your search comment, if you add a new note, then exit and come back into the app, you have to hit done, then search, before you can then start typing your new search. I have to look down at the phone after the app loads to see where I am and where to click these two extra clicks before I can begin my new search instead of knowing that right away my cursor will start ready to search.Since you don’t seem to like the default idea, how about in settings add the option to “always open search upon opening app” for those users like me that want this. Although personally I can’t say I understand why any user wouldn’t want the most used feature to just be the default.

Nevermind my amazon idea of it’s not possible.

So, all this boils down to just 3 minor changes:

  1. On notes add a button to generate password that generates a password and inserts it where the cursor is with one click. In settings provide options for length, style, etc of generated passwords.

  2. In settings add option to default to entries or notes or ask each time (default).

  3. In settings add option to open to search by default every time app opens.

As the tech guy for my family and friends I will make everyone get this app, please just implement these three things well and I won’t ask for anything else :wink: !

You have no idea how much I would appreciate this, thanks!

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PS. Not sure if this is possible on IOS but I just noticed one other minor thing, when you are searching, you have to click cancel, categories, + to add a new entry/note. Putting that + somewhere above the keyboard but under the search so it can be done with one click would be awesome.

By the way, if you are not able to do all that, adding the random number generator you already have to a context menu like if you doubletap and have the option to generate the random password right there wouldn’t be as perfect as what I described above but would still be a big improvement, and I assume much easier to implement.

Hi @Gaffe, would you like to be added to our iPhone beta distribution list in TestFlight? We’re testing out some adjustments now that you might find helpful.

Yes please! That sounds awesome, thanks! My Apple ID is the same as my email on here.

Great! I have added you to the list, you should receive an email at that address shortly. Do you also use the iPad version?

I got the email, I’m in thanks. Primarily I use the iphone version, but I
do have an ipad I can use to test, so feel free to add me to that one also,

AWESOME! Love the way you did the password generator in notes. And by the way that’s the fastest I have ever seen a software feature developed, ever.

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