Management Interfaces for SQLCipher Databases

Users often need to interact with SQLCipher encrypted databases outside of application code for testing, database development, and troubleshooting. There are a few options for managing SQLCipher databases outside of your development environment and applications.

Option 1: SQLCipher Commercial Edition Command Line Shell

Many of the SQLCipher Commercial Edition packages include a pre-built SQLite command line shell tool that can be used to manipulate SQLCipher databases from a desktop computer.

This interface allows you create and open encrypted databases, and execute queries against them.

Option 2: Community Edition Command Line Shell

If you are using SQLCipher Community edition, you can compile the command line from the distribution source code using the instructions here. Compilation on Linux and Mac OS X variants are easiest. While it is technically possible to build the shell on windows using MingW or Visual Studio, this isn’t supported as part of the core Community Edition documentation.

Option 3: SQLiteManager - a SQLCipher Graphical Management Interface

While command line tools are powerful, some users prefer the experience of a native, graphical, desktop application over a shell interface.

For these cases, SQLiteManager from SQLabs is a popular and feature-rich commercial database management studio with native support for SQLCipher encrypted databases.

SQLiteManager provides a suite of advanced features for SQLCipher database management, like query execution, inline editing with syntax highlighting, table / schema editing, charting, and data import / export. It supports both Windows and Mac OS X.

When you purchase SQLiteManager through the SQLCipher Purchase Page you will help support the ongoing development of the SQLCipher project.

Buy SQLiteManager »

Option 4: DB Browser for SQLite

DB Browser for SQLite, a free and Open Source database browser application, has added support for SQLCipher on Windows, MacOS X, Linux, and *BSD operating systems.

Download DB Browser for SQLite »

hello, i am not able to open my sqlcipher db in DB Browser for SQLite. It shows “Could not open database file. Reason: file is not a database” error. please help me to solve this error or suggest me other alternative.
My application works just fine. i just want to check my encrypted database.

Hi @tankyag

I have just replied to your separate posting here: