We are incredibly excited to announce the much anticipated release of SQLCipher 4. This is a major update that includes new features, improvements, and fixes. Here are some of the most important highlights:
- PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 is the new KDF algorithm
- HMAC-SHA512 is now used for per-page HMACs default KDF algorithm
- The default database page size has been increased to 4096 bytes
- KDF iteration count has been increased to 256,000
- Improved memory sanitization features
- Significant performance improvements for common use cases on platforms including iOS, Android, and Windows
- New baseline on upstream 3.25.2 enabling many new SQLite features
- Completely revamped client API support for .NET based platforms including sqlite-net, Entity Framework, and Microsoft ADO.NET
Please read the full release announcement here on our blog. We look forward to your feedback. Thanks!