SQLCipher Android 4.5.0 support end date

Hi There,
Does anyone know when version 4.5.0 will be supported?
I am currently using sqlcipher Android version 4.5.0 but the current release is 4.6.0
So I am in doubt about which date version 4.5.0 will be supported.
Any help in the regard is highly appreciated.

Hi @Sunil_Kumar,

SQLCipher for Android 4.5.0 was only available via the legacy android-database-sqlcipher library. The android-database-sqlcipher library has been superseded by sqlcipher-android, a long-term supported library. While we do not have an immediate plan to deprecate the 4.5.0 library, this may change as the adoption rate of the new library occurs. Our recommendation would be to begin planning your migration to sqlcipher-android if you haven’t already.