Codebook for OS X Update - 3.0.6

What’s New in 3.0.6

This is a maintenance update with a new feature:

  • New History view added to the Views list
  • Create an Entry (command N) or a Note (option command N) any time
  • Updates the embedded SQLCipher library to the latest release, 3.4.0
  • Adds Edit button to the Main Window’s tab (key event) loop
  • Various performance improvements
  • Fixes disabled Create Entry and Create Category buttons on the bottom of the Main Window
  • Changes Lock Window keyboard shortcut to command L
  • Changes Show Customize Labels keyboard shortcut to shift command L

The History view shows a grouping of your records by the date they were last updated, with each grouping sorted by most recently accessed. History is helpful in identifying important records with old passwords that could use an update—please let us know what you think!

Downloading the Update

If you purchased Codebook (or STRIP) in the Mac App Store:

  1. Visit this link on your Mac
  2. Click the “View in the Mac App Store” button
  3. It will launch the App Store app and display the Codebook page
  4. Click the Install or Update button below the Codebook icon
  5. When installation completes click the Open button, or launch Codebook from Applications or Spotlight

If you purchased Codebook (or STRIP) from Zetetic directly:

  1. Download the update
  2. Unzip the file, drag Codebook to your Mac’s Applications folder
  3. If STRIP is in the Applications folder, drag it to the Trash
  4. Launch Codebook from Applications or Spotlight

Important Note: If an update is not available, please verify that you are running Codebook and not the older STRIP or Strip Sync program, which is no longer supported.