I thought I would drop a quick note here to let everyone know what we’ve been up to since the release of version 4.4 with image attachments. Now that the big lift is complete we’ve been making some changes to follow-up on customer feedback about the new feature, and plowing our way through a series of other changes and maintenance fixes we’ve wanted to make for some time.
In all four apps we’ve added a new paperclip icon to the Entry view that is displayed when an Entry has attachments. This lets you see that information at a glance without having to click or tap over to the Images view. A number of people requested this right away and it struck us as quite useful as well.
Another change across all four operating systems is an update to the Integrity Check feature – we’ve added more checks for corruption of the database structure, and begun improving how the feature displays results.
In version 4.4.1 for Android we’ve added the promised ability to import PDF attachments from the Photo Library–this wasn’t available in the initial launch due to some divergent behavior on various device types from different manufacturers.
On iOS we’ve begun fixing up a lot of translations – quite a few of them seem to have gotten disconnected from their interface elements or source translations. More of these are on the way in 4.4.2. Same for Codebook for macOS.
On iOS and macOS we’ve begun adding support for copying image attachments to the clipboard, and for pasting images from the clipboard into an Entry.
On macOS we’ve made a number of improvements to the Touch ID Login feature to support the Magic Keyboard with Touch ID for M1 Macs, and to avoid blocking its use when a laptop is in clamshell mode. As part of this we’ve now added an information label to the login view when Touch ID is blocked, and you can view the specific error reason by hovering over it with the mouse for a tooltip.
There’s a new setting in Preferences on macOS that allows you to display the Entry view using a fixed-width font. This has been a feature request for some time, particularly amongst users who are more oriented towards Note Entries and Note Fields. The font used is Menlo – if you have another preference, here’s a trick for setting a font of your liking:
defaults write net.zetetic.Strip.mac ZSPreferenceUseFixedWidthFontKey "NameOfFontInstalledOnYourMac"
More improvements and bug fixes are in the works right now! If you’ve got feedback please let us know.