Secret Agent enters wrong password first time

Hi @schmatt

Thanks for posting and sorry for the trouble with Secret Agent entering the incorrect password the first time.

The bug from this thread (Problem after upgrade to macOS 10.12.2) is still present in macOS 10.12.3, although most users have had success with the latest builds which include the modifications to the script we use to attempt to get around the issue.

Could you please try un-checking and re-checking the Secret Agent preference in Codebook → Preferences → General tab → “Enable Secret Agent with Keyboard Command” to re-select the scripts folder?

Does the password enter improperly when you use Secret Agent to insert it into a text editor? I noticed from your post in the other thread that you said it was properly entering into a text editor, just wanted to confirm that this is still the case.

Which browser/application are you inserting into? Does it only occur with specific websites, or every site the first time through?
