any one please tell me where are the sqlcipher libraries available for windows phone 8.1.and please tell me how to integrate them in the windows phone 8.1 project.
any one please tell me where are the sqlcipher libraries available for
windows phone 8.1.and please tell me how to integrate them in the windows
phone 8.1 project.
You may want to take a look at how I build it for Windows 8.1 and Windows
Phone 8.1 in: GitHub - storesafe/cordova-sqlcipher-adapter: A Cordova/PhoneGap plugin to create and access encrypted databases on Android, iOS, and Windows with API similar to HTML5/Web SQL API
thanks…But sorry i don’t know anything about cordova.I want to integrate it in visual Studio phone 8.1 native project(wpf) @brodybits
Hello @vikrant
SQLCipher for Windows Phone is a commercial offering, with licenses available here. If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line here.
thanks…But sorry i don’t know anything about cordova.I want to integrate
it in visual Studio phone 8.1 project(wpf)
What you have to do is first use a project like
GitHub - doo/SQLite3-WinRT: SQLite3 WinRT Component to build and run sqlite on Windows or
Windows Phone 8.1, then replace the sqlite source with the sqlcipher source
and add one of the supported crypto providers, such as libTomCrypt (easier)
or OpenSSL (more of a challenge).
This is NOT officially supported, I only want to help the community as much
as I can.
thanx but from where will I get sqlCipher source to replace with SQLite. @brodybits
Hello @vikrant
SQLCipher contains the SQLite source files. The open source project can be found here.
Use this link to install sqlcipher libraries available for windows phone 8.1