I am trying to paste some information in to a very large note field and I’m wondering if I am hitting a limit as to how much information one note field can have. It’s no problem to trim down the contents of the field, I’m just curious if I need to.
Note fields (field of a standard entry) are generally intended for short concise notes related to the entry.
Note Entries are intended to accommodate large amounts of text.
We routinely test Note Entries with text that’s 4 million plus characters (although there can be a slight delay when loading the note/pasting large amounts text, or exiting editing).
For both field types, the maximum size is 1GB. It’s stored as UTF-8 so each character could be 1 or 2 bytes, so the exact upper limit would depend on which character types you’re using. Regardless, it should be in the hundreds of millions (characters).
Could I ask which platform you’re using and the number of characters in the text you’re attempting to paste?
The data I’m putting in is in the note field and while I know it’s supposed to be for short notes, I’m using it more as a password history field. Since I’m required to change my password every 90 days, you can imagine the data that has been accumulating in that field.
I make most of my changes using Codebook on my iPhone, since that’s the device I have on me when I generally change my passwords.
I really only asked because I was finding that I was having difficulty pasting my latest “old password” into the note field. My difficulty was mostly in trying to get to the top of the field so I could paste the old password there. That field currently contains 106 passwords of a minimum of 6 characters each with two spaces and a dash between them. So lets round up and say 10 characters times 106 to a total of around 1060 characters in that field. That sounds well below the limit you stated so maybe it was just my phone being slow.
Perhaps as a future enhancement of the application, you might consider an optional password history storage so that one could, rather then simply edit the password field, do something else which would effectively save the current contents of the password field and replace it with the new password, but still give you the option to scroll back through your previous passwords. You wouldn’t want it to store it on edit of the field in case you made multiple edits before you found a password you liked. Maybe on save, with the option to delete any item in the history either individually or in bulk.
Thanks for the additional information. What Hardware (iPhone version) and iOS are you running?
We weren’t able to reproduce this behavior on our test devices, but we’ll keep trying.
My difficulty was mostly in trying to get to the top of the field so I could paste the old password there.
Could I ask is it scrolling slowly, or incorrectly?
A couple of things that may help you scroll to the top of the note easier:
1 Tap the note out of edit mode, it should start you at the top of the note. At which point you can tap anywhere in the note to start editing at that point.
2. Tap the status bar and it should scroll you to the top of the note.
Perhaps as a future enhancement of the application, you might consider an optional password history storage so that one could, rather then simply edit the password field, do something else which would effectively save the current contents of the password field and replace it with the new password, but still give you the option to scroll back through your previous passwords. You wouldn’t want it to store it on edit of the field in case you made multiple edits before you found a password you liked. Maybe on save, with the option to delete any item in the history either individually or in bulk.
Thanks for the feedback, we’ll take it into consideration.
Let me know if either of the suggestions above help make scrolling to the top of the note easier.