Which Android and iOS versions does SQLCipher Xamarin support?


We are working on a new Xamarin project and trying to get an idea of what minimum versions of Android and iOS are supported by SQLCipher Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android?

Also, is there a minimum version of Xamarin that we need to be aware of?


Hello @Baadier

SQLCipher for Xamarin iOS and SQLCipher for Xamarin Android bundle both native binary components as well as support for many client library integrations. For SQLCipher for Xamarin iOS, the native library has a minimum deployment target of iOS 8. For SQLCipher for Xamarin Android, the minimum SDK version split between 32-bit and 64-bit CPU targets, version 16 and 21 respectively.

Please feel free to request a trial here if you would like to test out the libraries prior to purchase. Thanks!