Cannot disable TouchID - grayed out

I migrated a userID from a Mac with TouchID to a Mac that does not support TouchID and I cannot disable it as the checkbox is greyed out. So of course I get a warning that TID isn’t available every time I use Codebook.


Hi @myronm, thanks for using Codebook for macOS and sorry for the bug here!

We should be able to fix that in the next version of Codebook, but in the meantime, would you mind running this command in the Terminal app of the Mac without Touch ID? It should stop Codebook from attempting Touch ID on the login view.

defaults write net.zetetic.Strip.mac ZSTouchIDEnabledKey 0

Hi @myronm,

The warning message you were seeing on the login view, was that message, “No Touch ID accessory has been paired”, or was it some other error?


I think it was “Touch ID is not available”
