Feature Request - Scanned Doc/Photo Storage

I’d like to request the addition of photo storage to Strip’s already impressive vault.

Many times I’ve found myself in need of a secure place to store a document, namely sensitive or personally identifiable information, and I immediately think of Strip, as it already holds other info so well, but I realize it still does not have this capability.

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Hi @AnonRP, thanks for the request, I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying STRIP. We would really like to provide image storage as well and have it in our long-term plans. Scanning documents for text to import is something we’ll consider as well. Thanks!

Any update on this? Scanning a doc or an image would be a nice feature to add.

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@gweavil Yes, thank you for asking! We are putting the final touches on the Image Attachments feature now and plan to start beta testing soon.

If you (or anybody reading along) are interested in beta testing just drop us a note here or at support@zetetic.net, and let us know what platforms you’ll use while testing (Android, iOS, macOS, Windows).

Hi @AnonRP,

I just wanted to let you know we’ve release Codebook 4.4 which contains support for image and PDF attachments on standard entries. More information about this release can be found here:
