Retrieval of an inadvertently deleted category in Codebook for Windows

Hello guys,

I need your help on a serious issue! Instead of deleting a single entry, I have deleted by mistake a whole category with many entries in it in the Codebook Windows application. Now, I need to undo this action but I cannot figure out how to resolve the issue. I am syncing the Codebook databases on my PC and my iPhone via my Dropbox account but of course for the time being I would not do it again as I am afraid that the category deletion will be replicated on my iPhone. Please tell me what can I do to recover the deleted entries!



I have found the solution on my own. I have retrieved the remote database using the Overwrite function from the Operations menu. Details can be found here Codebook Help - Sync Operations (


Hey @Dimitar_Leksin

Excellent news. Glad to hear you were able to locate the documentation and resolve the issue.

Just to clarify for other folks looking on, there are couple of options here depending on which sync method you’re using:

  1. If you’re using WiFi sync, and the device you accidentally deleted data on was your desktop device, you can perform an Overwrite operation from your mobile device (which has the data present).
  2. If you’re using WiFi sync, and the device you accidentally deleted data on was your mobile device, you can perform a Restore operation from your mobile device (to retrieve the data from your Desktop).
  3. If you’re using cloud sync you can perform a Restore operation from the device you accidentally deleted data on (to retrieve the data from the cloud service).

Please feel free to reach out again if you have any further questions, issues, or feedback.

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