Secret agent search results too broad

For example, if I open the Secret Agent and search for “Gmail,” I am presented with nearly all of my Codebook entries. Search results include all entries that contain “gmail” in any field. Is this by design, or is there a way to narrow the search to titles only?

Update: Modifying Codebook’s search behavior within the application has no effect on Secret Agent.

Hi @Michael_Novello

This is by design, the search will match on entry titles, along with any field values you may have stored. One way to trigger the Gmail entry to the top of the secret agent results is to mark it as a favorite using the star. The search results order the favorites to the top. Would that work for you?

Hello, I think it would be useful to have the ability for example to type “label:something” and it would know that we only want to search the labels. If we can’t have that, perhaps a way to star entries we open from Secret Agent or show frequently used.

Thank you for getting back to me!

Hi @Michael_Novello

While secret agent doesn’t expose that level of granular search, the search available within the main application window does expose a little more control. For the desktop clients, you can click on the magnifying glass and specify the scope of your search, by default we search on entries and fields, but you can restrict your search as necessary:


This does not currently allow for more complex queries. We certainly appreciate your feedback and will consider it for the future.

Hi @Michael_Novello - If you “star” an entry in Codebook (mark it as a favorite) it will show up first for searches in Secret Agent. That is very close to your idea about starting entries. Could you give that a try and let us know if it works for you?