Hi I tried to sync after I changed the password on the app. I get an error message that the password on the google drive backup does not match. But how do I update this if I can’t sync?
Hi @Axel
Thanks for using Codebook and posting.
So, just to confirm your phone app has the most up-to-date information? If not, you should change the master password back to what it was previously and perform another sync operation with Google Drive to get it all up-to-date.
Once it’s up-to-date:
After changing your master password, you’ll first need to perform an overwrite operation (to replace your encrypted replica database on Google Drive with your local copy [with the new password]). Each other device that you sync will also have to have to the master password changed to match what it is on your phone app. After the initial overwrite operation, all subsequent operations can be changed back to a regular sync.
Could you give the overwrite operation a try and let me know if it allows you to sync regularly again? Thanks!
Thanks Micca, yes it worked
Excellent. Glad I could help.
Please feel free to reach out again if you have any further questions, issues, or feedback.
Thank you again for using Codebook and have a nice day.