WWDC 2018 Thoughts and What’s New for Codebook


Thank you for your support of Codebook, for the kind words and for posting.

Yes, really looking forward to the iOS auto-fill features with Codebook. Wouldn’t trust anyone else.

The iOS AutoFill was introduced in Codebook for iOS 3.6.0 Released - Password AutoFill and Free Trials - #3 by mmoore there are instructions for how to enable it along with some examples of it in action here: Codebook Help - Codebook for iOS Password AutoFill

Hopeful that you’ll consider a Linux version at some point.

While it’s not something that’s under active development or planned currently, it is still something on our radar (and that we’re tracking interest on). There’s a bit of discussion going on over here: Anyone have Codebook running in WINE? - #2 by Alex_Markley about running Codebook for Windows in WINE if you haven’t seen it yet.