Sorry for the delay - here’s the output of dir /s (let me know if you really need it as a screenshot, but I guess this has the same info):
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\Zetetic LLC\Codebook
30/01/2016 16:47 <DIR> .
30/01/2016 16:47 <DIR> ..
25/01/2016 13:10 1,305,304 Codebook.exe
25/01/2016 13:10 4,470 Codebook.exe.config
25/01/2016 13:09 28,672 Common.Logging.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 75,264 ditto.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 1,128,448 DotNetOpenAuth.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 57,344 DropNet.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 15,360 Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 126,976 Google.Apis.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 364,544 Google.Apis.Drive.v2.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 45,056 Google.Apis.Oauth2.v2.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 44,032 Hardcodet.Wpf.TaskbarNotification.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 36,864 LumenWorks.Framework.IO.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 391,680 Newtonsoft.Json.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 368,128 Newtonsoft.Json.Net35.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 388,096 NLog.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 165,376 RestSharp.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 155,648 Spring.Aop.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 761,856 Spring.Core.dll
25/01/2016 13:10 163,328 StripLib.dll
25/01/2016 13:10 5,120 StripLib.LocalSync.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 279,552 System.Data.SQLite.DLL
25/01/2016 13:09 184,832 System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 191,152 System.Net.Http.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 22,232 System.Net.Http.Extensions.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 21,712 System.Net.Http.Primitives.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 27,352 System.Net.Http.WebRequest.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 109,400 System.Windows.Controls.Input.Toolkit.dll
25/01/2016 13:09 95,064 System.Windows.Controls.Layout.Toolkit.dll
30/01/2016 16:47 <DIR> Tour
25/01/2016 13:09 467,288 WPFToolkit.dll
30/01/2016 16:47 <DIR> x64
30/01/2016 16:47 <DIR> x86
25/01/2016 13:09 25,600 Zetetic.Updater.dll
30 File(s) 7,055,750 bytes
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\Zetetic LLC\Codebook\Tour
30/01/2016 16:47 <DIR> .
30/01/2016 16:47 <DIR> ..
25/01/2016 13:09 273,199 jquery-1.10.2.js
25/01/2016 13:09 32,773 jquery-ui.css
25/01/2016 13:09 461,387 jquery-ui.js
25/01/2016 13:09 18,999 omni-window-fields-list.png
25/01/2016 13:09 27,952 omni-window-search.png
25/01/2016 13:09 8,437 style.css
25/01/2016 13:09 6,873 tour.html
7 File(s) 829,620 bytes
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\Zetetic LLC\Codebook\x64
30/01/2016 16:47 <DIR> .
30/01/2016 16:47 <DIR> ..
25/01/2016 13:09 2,175,488 SQLite.Interop.dll
1 File(s) 2,175,488 bytes
Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\Zetetic LLC\Codebook\x86
30/01/2016 16:47 <DIR> .
30/01/2016 16:47 <DIR> ..
25/01/2016 13:09 1,626,112 SQLite.Interop.dll
1 File(s) 1,626,112 bytes
Total Files Listed:
39 File(s) 11,686,970 bytes