Codebook entries disappear

I’ve noticed a problem that exists, I think, for the two latest versions of Codebook:
After putting in a new entry or editing an old one, if I switch to a different window (such as a browser) BEFORE I sync Codebook, when I switch back to Codebook, the entries I’ve just edited are blank.

Another variation of this bug, if I have two similar entries that I’ve just edited, one of the two entries will take on the field data from the OTHER entry–i.e., not the one I intended.
This is pretty annoying when I’m setting up a new online account with a randomly generated password. If I generate the password and then put it into the browser BEFORE I sync Codebook, then the password is gone when I go back to Codebook.

I am running Codebook 4.0.2 (800) on a Mac running the latest version of Catalina (although I’ve noticed this bug for at least a month now.

Hey @Newton991

Thanks very much for using Codebook and posting to the discussion forum, although I’m very sorry to hear about the trouble when editing entries.

Could I ask if this behavior only occurs after copy/pasting an entry, then editing it right after pasting it? The reason I ask is because we have identified an edge case bug which sounds similar to the behavior you’re describing that occurs when editing an entry directly after pasting it. The next release of Codebook will resolve this issue. There’s a link to signup to test it out within that forum post. We’re planning on beginning external beta testing soon.

If this isn’t the case, these are a few of the other scenarios I’ve tested related to your report:

Scenario 1 – New Entry Editing:

  1. Create New Entry (File > New Entry)
  2. Add a field (Email)
  3. Type in a field value
  4. Click on another window (with or without leaving edit mode first)
  5. Click back on the Codebook window
  6. Field value change still exists

Scenario 2 – Edit Existing Entry

  1. Select an Entry
  2. Click Edit button
  3. Modify a field value
  4. Click on another window (with or without leaving edit mode first)
  5. Click back on the Codebook window
  6. Field value change still exists

If you’re doing something differently from these scenarios, could you outline the steps if possible. Thanks!

I’ve replicated the problem a few times now. It does appear that this happens when I copy a template that I’ve created and then paste it to create a new entry. After I fill in all the fields in the pasted new entry and sync, the fields are blank after syncing.

 This is VERY annoying as I now have to paste, then sync and THEN fill in the fields again after.

 Besides fixing the edge, another way to improve Codebook A LOT would be to make the use of entry templates less onerous and just make a one-button method for creating new entries.



Thanks very much for the response and confirming that the errant behavior is related to editing fields directly after copy/pasting of a template entry as we’ve identified and fixed in the beta version.

I have one other suggested workaround in the meantime if you’re not planning on running the beta version:

  • After pasting the entry, but before editing any of the fields, select different Category, then select back to the pasted Entry again. After which you should be able to edit the fields and have them persist.

Besides fixing the edge, another way to improve Codebook A LOT would be to make the use of entry templates less onerous and just make a one-button method for creating new entries

We agree that creating entries in Codebook can be improved. We have discussed different ways of making creating entries in Codebook easier and are planning this for the future.

Again, we’re very sorry for this issue in the first place, and please don’t hesitate to reach out again if there’s anything else we can do to assist. Thanks!