Codebook entries disappear

Hey @Newton991

Thanks very much for using Codebook and posting to the discussion forum, although I’m very sorry to hear about the trouble when editing entries.

Could I ask if this behavior only occurs after copy/pasting an entry, then editing it right after pasting it? The reason I ask is because we have identified an edge case bug which sounds similar to the behavior you’re describing that occurs when editing an entry directly after pasting it. The next release of Codebook will resolve this issue. There’s a link to signup to test it out within that forum post. We’re planning on beginning external beta testing soon.

If this isn’t the case, these are a few of the other scenarios I’ve tested related to your report:

Scenario 1 – New Entry Editing:

  1. Create New Entry (File > New Entry)
  2. Add a field (Email)
  3. Type in a field value
  4. Click on another window (with or without leaving edit mode first)
  5. Click back on the Codebook window
  6. Field value change still exists

Scenario 2 – Edit Existing Entry

  1. Select an Entry
  2. Click Edit button
  3. Modify a field value
  4. Click on another window (with or without leaving edit mode first)
  5. Click back on the Codebook window
  6. Field value change still exists

If you’re doing something differently from these scenarios, could you outline the steps if possible. Thanks!