Exclude Characters for Password Generator

Is there a way to customize the characters to be excluded from the password generator? So far, I only see the set characters that look like each other. But there are some sites that require you to not use certain special characters.

Also, it would be nice to just have a button to generate a new password. I know you can change a setting to do this, but just having a button would be more intuitive.

Hello @schmatt

There is not currently a way to specify characters to to be excluded from the password generator beyond the checkbox to remove visually similar characters. We will consider UI options for password generation in the future. If I may ask, what platforms are you using STRIP on?

I am using the iOS and Mac platforms.

I agree with this. Some sites only allow the use of specific special characters to prevent SQL injection attacks and the like. Would be nice to have a text box where I can enter “Don’t use these characters in passwords” OTOH, I can always delete any of the “banned” characters manually.

Agreed! As I has posted over here, I’d like to see an additional exclusion for ambiguous characters, and a text field for specific inclusions/exclusions.

Agreed, another vote for this.

I have found the ‘Include/Exclude Characters’ feature very helpful in other Password Generators, however, they do not have the ‘Exclude Like Characters’ feature. Would be nice to have both available in Codebook.
Is this on Zetetic’s radar at all? -Thanks

  • WinWin, Mac, iOSiOSiOS -

Hi @schmatt,

Also, it would be nice to just have a button to generate a new password. I know you can change a setting to do this, but just having a button would be more intuitive.

Could you elaborate on this a bit? I ask because I’ve been thinking a lot lately about making it easier to generate new account records / new random passwords when needed. FWIW currently in Codebook for macOS you can bring up the password generator panel with the keyboard shortcut shift+command+P or by clicking on the toolbar button with the key icon. This is available whether or not you’re currently editing an entry, but does require the Main Window to be active and unlocked.

@schmatt @myronm @bobmhac @jcschell @4frAVz_Jr80q

Just wanted to drop in and give an update on this. We’re currently beta testing updates to Codebook for macOS and Codebook for iOS that contain “Advanced Options” for the password generator which include a text field where you can specify characters to exclude from your generated passwords.

If you’re interested in beta testing Codebook for macOS the information can be found here: https://discuss.zetetic.net/t/codebook-for-macos-3-3-1-build-482-tribbles/2341

If you’re interested in beta testing Codebook for iOS, feel free to reach out to us at support@zetetic.net or PM me.

We look forward to your feedback. Thanks!