Resetting Codebook

In order to reset Codebook, you must delete the local database used by the application, and in some cases re-install the application. Follow these instructions to reset Codebook.

Resetting Codebook is a destructive operation, data stored by the app will be deleted.

For Android:

  1. If Codebook is running, quit the app.
  2. Launch the “Settings” Application
  3. Navigate into Applications -> Manage Applications -> Codebook
  4. Tap the “Clear Data” button
  5. Restart Codebook on Android and enter and confirm your new master password

For iOS:

  1. Locate the Codebook icon on your device’s Home screen.
  2. Hold your finger down on the icon until all the icons begin to animate (they wiggle).
  3. Tap the x button that appears on the icon for Codebook, and confirm that you wish to remove the app from your device.
  4. Launch the App Store app on your device.
  5. Tap on the Updates tab, and then tap on the “Purchased” row at the top of the screen (on iPad tap your Apple ID image at the top right, then tap the “Purchased” row).
  6. When the Purchased list loads, make sure the setting “Not on this iPhone|iPad|iPod” at the top is selected.
  7. Scroll down the list to Codebook, and push the cloud-button to re-install.
  8. Once Codebook is re-installed, launch the app and set a new master password.

For macOS:

  1. If Codebook is running, quit the app.
  2. Open Finder
  3. Choose the Go menu, select “Go to Folder…”
  4. Copy the following path* and paste it in the textfield (all one line):
    ~/Library/Group Containers/
  5. In that folder locate default.strip and rename or remove the file
  6. Launch Codebook again, enter and confirm a new master password

*If you are using a version of Codebook for macOS that is lower than 4.3.0, use the following path instead:

~/Library/Containers/net.zetetic.Strip.mac/Data/Library/Application Support/Strip

For Windows:

  1. If Codebook is running, quit the app through File → Exit Application.
  2. Open Windows Explorer (“My Computer”).
  3. Enter %APPDATA%\Zetetic LLC\ in the Address field and hit enter.
  4. Within that location is a Strip folder, delete that folder.
  5. Launch Codebook again, enter and confirm a new master password.
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